Amy’s Free Ideas

Seasons > Easter > Ways to Celebrate Easter in the Church > Passion Play to Celebrate Easter

Celebrating Easter with a play can be an exciting event for the audience. But it takes the enthusiastic cooperation of the whole church, and perhaps several churches to put on a good quality production. In addition to the large numbers of people needed for a cast, the light and sound people are just as involved in the practice times, not to mention more people needed to make sets, props, and costumes. In addition to the time investment, there is the cost for making these items and also the storage needs so the items can be used again. This set had an outdoor and indoor scene on the stage, and a cross scene and grave scene to the right and left of the stage. The backdrops were hung from a wire, like a curtain, and pulled aside for the final scene.

Seasons > Easter > Ways to Celebrate Easter in the Church > Passion Play to Celebrate Easter

If there are not enough strong actors in the church, you can use one good actor to do much of the speaking, or explaining as a narrator, while the rest of the actors move through the scenes.

Lighting was used to give impact to the scene on the cross.

The grave was large enough for at least 3 people to fit in, though not standing straight. After the body was put in the grave, the stone was moved in front of the doorway, then an angel moved it away before the actor came out as Jesus.

Peter and John see the empty tomb.

Mary speaks to Jesus.

The church council make decisions.

Believers are celebrated as they reach heaven.