Amy’s Free Ideas

Computer Card:

1. Look on line (Google images works well)  for a picture of a keyboard, or take one with a digital camera, and print out.

2. Write a Father’s Day letter to Dad in your mail program, and take a screen shot, and print it out.

3. Cut 2 rectangles out of cardboard, styrofoam, or foam core to the size of the printed keyboard and screen shot. (If you can buy foamcore in dollar stores or craft stores, you can just cut this to size, and not worry about gluing paper to cover the cardboard. Foamcore is styrofoam with paper on the front and back. It often is sold in black or white, and sometimes colors.)

4. Glue white or black paper to the outside surfaces  of the cardboard or styrofoam. It should be glued in the closed position (see photo on the right), or the paper won’t be long enough to let it close once it has dried. (see photos below using orange paper.)

5. Cut paper so it can be folded over the edges and onto the inside of the “Computer.” Glue and let dry.

6. Glue the “keyboard” and “screen” to the inside and let dry.

7. Make design elements on the outside with tape (for Apple computers, cut an apple shape out of tape and fasten to cover.

Cell Phone Card:

  1. 1.Cut out the cell phone--borrow Dad’s real cell phone to use as a pattern. Cut out 2 rectangles If your dad’s cell phone opens and closes (as in the photo), but only cut one rectangle if it does not open and close (for i-phones and other smart phones). Cut this out of cardboard or styrofoam or foam core.

  2. 2.Draw an outline around the cell phone cut-outs (one or two) on paper the same color as his cell phone. Add a 1 inch (2 cm.) border around that line.

  3. 3.Cut out the paper along the one inch border.

4. Make the buttons and screen to look like Dad’s cell phone: Use a computer to design the inside of the phone: write a message and make the “buttons”. Alternative: draw with pens that can write on black paper,( if the cell phone is black, of course.) One more option: take a digital photo of the phone with it’s message, and print it out.

5. Print and cut out the inside of the “cell phone.”

6. Glue the outside cover to the cell phone. Clip the corners so that the paper will fold over the rounded corners. Glue in the closed position (like photo on the left) or the paper will not be long enough to allow the cell phone to close once it is dry. (see photos below the computer card using orange paper.)

7. Glue the paper with the inside message and buttons to the cell phone.

Father’s Day Cards

Dear Daddy,
Thank you so much for for all the things you do for me! Thank you for playing ball, and reading me books.
Dear Daddy,






Folding cell phone needs 2 cardboard cutouts

Non-folding cell phone needs one cardboard cutout